
Top 6 Interior Design Trends of 2023

Matilda Hansson

If last year was the year of maximalism and colour then this year we're going back to basics and nature with some down to earth trends. These are our predictions for the top 6 interior decor trends of 2023 and the key pieces you need to nail the trends.

Back to basics

In the past few years we've spent more time than ever before in our homes and as a result many have dedicated much time on creating the home their dreams. If you're in the process of redecorating or want some inspiration then look no further than to this year's top interior design trends, and after a year of colours and maximalism we're happy to see some more down to earth trends this year.


You may have seen the old-money fashion trending and it seems to now have gripped its teeth into the interior trend world. The Neoclassical style is originally based on the Greek and Roman. With a focus on clean lines and a sophisticated elegance that is subtle yet luxurious. Focus on horizontal and vertical lines, symmetrical layouts, clean and simple designs, muted colours, large mirrors and go for grandeur!

Beliani Muret Armchair 87cm

1. Beliani Muret Armchair 87cm

Find deal at ManoMano

Melody Maison FUT551 Wall Mirror 100x150cm

2. Melody Maison FUT551 Wall Mirror 100x150cm

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MirrorOutlet GMA024 Wall Mirror 81x150cm

3. MirrorOutlet GMA024 Wall Mirror 81x150cm

Find deal at Robert Dyas

Dkd Home Decor Virágok Candlestick 82cm

4. Dkd Home Decor Virágok Candlestick 82cm

Find deal at ShopBetter24

Swoon Porto Armchair 80cm

5. Swoon Porto Armchair 80cm

Find deal at Argos


Statement Glass

A simple change that will elevate your home is some statement glass pieces, don't be afraid to play with colour and interesting shapes, think glam 70's for inspiration. It may seem small but it can transform your statement whether that be a chandelier, a bowl or a vase all can make a difference.

Unique stones

Gone are the big slabs of stone and marble, in are small, unique and colourful mosaics that will create a lively space that looks like no other. If changing up your floors feels like too much of a commitment then opt for some key pieces that are set with mosaics.

Pink and Mauve Earth Tones

Moving away from the brightest of bright tones that dominated last year and onto softer earth tones that are warm and harmonious. Soft pinks and a range of mauve tones are a great accompaniment to any home, giving a soft luxurious look.


This year, get ready to bare it all! The Brutalist trend means displaying textures and material in its rawest form, such as raw wood, concrete, unpolished and unfinished, but that raw and brutal texture gives a dramatic and earthly vibe that is sure to make an impression.

Paper and Fabric Lights

The theme of the year seems to be back to basics with a focus on natural materials and textures. Light instalments made from paper and fabric create a a lovely naturally down to earth look with the added bonus of a soft and warm light that will go hand in hand with the natural trends of this year.

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